A very unique meeting among thousands people in Florence!

How many possibilities we have to meet a person not resident in a big and crowded city like Florence?

Thant’s instead what happened to me last year with Kerri.

I met Kerri and her two lovely daughters during one of my guided walking tour in the religious center of Florence among the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Opera del Duomo Museum.

I met many people every day but just for one time usually and then never more,

but some months later I litterely bumped into Kerri on a corner street of Florence and both of us immediately recognized each other!

Here we are and it was almost Christmas time

Kerri loves Italy and told me she wanted to be back again soon to preticse her Italian,

so why don’t you visit and stay in my nice birthplace, Pistoia? I asked her but

WHY Pistoia? Not just because it is my bithplace that I love so much, nooo

because it is located in a strategical place that is near Florence, Lucca, Pisa and Viareggio on the beach!mountains and hills just few kilometres away from the city center and linked with many very frequent trains everyday to everywhere .

wnere we can find art, history, good food and a very relaxing atmosphere,

as I used to say Pistoia is an authentic tuscan town!

So, after few months Kerri informed me she was going to be back and so she decided to come to Pistoia and spent four days here enjoying a walking tour with me in the evening at sunset (here in the picture Madonna dell’Umiltà dome)

having a yummy gelato

, tasting the original Pistoia confetti here in the picture

and the chance to live in a town where get in touch with locals off of the beaten paths.

She is so passionate about travels, Italy and Italian language that she speaks very well, it’s a real pleasure for me to be able to share the beauties of my hidden gem in Tuscany that is Pistoia with people who love to discover special places.

Thank you Kerri for you visit and stay in Pistoia and ……alla prossima!

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